Financial Wellness

Two-thirds of American workers live paycheck to paycheck, and 63% don’t have enough in their emergency fund to cover a $500 expense. That means most of your employees may be just one car repair or household disaster away from debt. But what if everyone could feel financially secure? You can inspire workers to achieve financial wellness. When they feel financially secure, employees are more engaged and productive, and organizations can make the most of their investment in their people. That’s the power of The Wellness Effect. But when it comes to helping workers plan their financial future, too often basic human behaviors get in the way.

Many people underestimate how long they’ll live, put off financial planning, or believe “it won’t happen to me.” You can help inspire workers to shift these bad behaviors, so they can rise to the financial challenges they face. The keys are deepening their understanding of their financial lives, providing the right tools and offering ongoing motivation. The solution is to deliver these through an insight-driven, holistic experience that makes a real difference in their financial wellness – and is easy for you to implement.
