What are the three rules for building wealth over the long term?

Wealth isn’t about the size of your house or car, or whether you can purchase lavish vacations. It’s about security, freedom, and peace of mind — having enough to take care of yourself and those you love. That is why people seek the services of a retirement planning advisor in favour of the best retirement plan in Singapore. If you want to become wealthy, there is no better way than following three simple rules. It may seem simple, but it’s not easy. You must follow the rules religiously if you want to be successful with your wealth plan.

1. Save More

Stashing away a small amount of your income every month will help you build a sizable saving over time. When you can satisfy your needs with the current income, then it’s time to consider saving some amount. The amount you save may be small, but it will grow into a substantial wealth over time. That is a crucial step if you are considering the best retirement plan in Singapore.


Whether you want to finance a bigger home or college tuition for your children, a budget helps you plan how much you can save. It provides a framework for your expenditure and shows where you can cut to increase your savings. Your budget also helps you stay on track, with detailed reports of where each dollar of extra income goes and visual reminders of your goals.

Without a budget, it is impossible to create, estimate and maintain a satisfactory financial lifestyle. By creating a budget, you can ensure the realization of your financial goals.

Build an Emergency Fund

Emergency fund kits provide a solution to the problem of unanticipated events affecting investments. By storing cash for an unexpected event, it becomes easy to continue building wealth without incurring debts or selling your investments. The money you set aside should be enough to meet any emergency financial requirement that comes unexpectedly.

2. Spend Less Than You Earn

Do more with less. Build wealth and live the good life by saving more, and spending less. This rule is the best retirement planning advisor. To save money and put yourself on the path to early retirement, you can’t spend more than you earn. It sounds simple enough, but it’s much harder than it sounds. Most people spend well beyond their means and live paycheck-to-paycheck instead of putting money aside for savings and investments. Some even try frugal living or extreme methods like cutting out all luxury spending, but these tips don’t work in the long term because being deprived causes us to focus on what we don’t have and makes us resentful towards those who do have what we don’t.

An aggressive saver is willing to sacrifice today for a better tomorrow. They control their appetites. They wean themselves from luxuries today, in order to enjoy luxuries and peace of mind later.

3. Invest

You’re almost there! When you invest your money in the stock market, and in real estate and retirement accounts over time, it can build you massive wealth. Investing in the stock market, real estate and retirement funds can be the best retirement plan in Singapore. Investing your monthly income will give you even more money in return.

Stock Market

Shares are an investment in the company that you buy. You are buying a piece of the company, which means that you will earn a dividend (or part of the profit) that the company makes. Buying shares is one of the best and most straightforward ways to build wealth and can be done through exchange-traded funds.

Real Estate

Investing in real estate investment trusts offers opportunities to profit from the real estate industry without direct involvement. Mortgage companies also fall into this category.


The thing about future planning is that there’s no need to wait. The present can be a tense and uncertain place, with many things still to be dealt with. Live each day knowing that tomorrow’s taken care of, so you can live more richly here and now.

At Insurance Empire, we believe it is our personal responsibility to offer you the best advice and support in every aspect of your financial life. Our independent retirement planning advisor representatives are fully qualified and highly experienced professionals. We work individually to serve the best interests of our respective clients and collectively, as a financial advisory group, to share our experience, expertise, and ideas with one another.
